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The Last Report. From Antarctica With Love.

The Last Report. From Antarctica With Love.

A luminous glass polygonal object in the form of an iceberg, using mapping technology, projects a rather conceptual image from its depths into the outside world. In 5 minutes, thousands of years pass before the eyes of the viewer. Forty million years ago Antarctica was a green continent. The South Pole was inhabited by a variety of animals and forests grew across the expanses of Antarctica. This is already a scientific fact but esotericists are sure that then there were beautiful ancient cities inhabited by human civilizations. Someone puts Plato's Atlantis there, but most still agree on the mysterious Hyperborea. The displacement of the earth's axis and climate change have turned Antarctica into a place of white silence. Forests, gardens and cities disappeared under the waters, ice and snow, safely hidden from us. Our culture and civilization followed the technocratic path of development. A climate warming could not only open the ruins of ancient worlds, but also easily drown modern mankind. Any global technogenic or ecological disaster can quickly wipe out our civilisation from the face of the earth. The history of the planet could well have been built according to such a cyclical principle: water freezes and turns into ice, stopping any development, and then new growth grows, becomes overgrown with technology and debris, icebergs begin to melt and again water, again ice, water-ice-water-ice ... To break this vicious circle can only be the realization that we are part of nature, influencing global warming we can lead the planet to irreversible consequences for us as a species. If we want to preserve ourselves, we should not forget about this, as we forget about other species on the planet, about ecology, the choice of the path of development, and also we should not fall into the delusion that we have subjugated everything to ourselves. The story of global repetition and eternal return, about the change of nature and beautiful cities ice and garbage techno-urbanism, which is shown by the faceted flickering iceberg, raises general questions of the existence of mankind.
The Great Black Project

The Great Black Project

The Great Black project raises the question of transforming the familiar environment with the appearance of a new object - the Great Black. The Great Black project shooting started in 2012 and took place more then in ten countries. From a game with a character and the multivariance of reality, it has turned into an international socio-cultural experiment. Filming of The Great Black project takes place in a variety of locations in different countries. The appearance of a hero changes the usual course of reality. The perception of reality for the hero, who is inside the black canvas, also changes: age, gender, appearance become unimportant. The Great Black erases everything,black is a color that absorbs all the colors of the spectrum, emptiness and not emptiness at the same time. All other colors except black are reflections of light. Black means the absence of light. Unlike white and other colors, black can exist in nature without light at all. In Buddhism, there is a concept of Sunyata (SKT. श# ◌ ूय या, śūnyatā Iast; Pali: suññatā; kit. 空; YAP. 空; Mong. hooson chanar; lit. "void" - from Sanskrit. "Shunya" — "empty"; the word "empty" - "Shunya" - in Sanskrit and other Indus. it also refers to the mathematical concept of "zero") denoting "the absence of a permanent "I" in the individual and in phenomena " or the absence of their own nature of things and phenomena (Dharmas) due to their relativity, conditionality and interdependence.
Interactive installation E.D.E.N. Today’s Art Festival Hague 2019

Interactive installation E.D.E.N. Today’s Art Festival Hague 2019

In many, if not all, religions of the world, there is an idea of one, God-created, magnificent place of the highest bliss, where God's grace is poured, where everything is in abundance, where there is no grief, no disease, no death. A​ ccording to Bible the garden of Eden was a garden of paradise, the place of the original habitation of first people. The expulsion of Adam from paradise in Сhristian religious tradition is supposed to be the most terrible event that occurred from the creation of the world and determined a lot in the life of all mankind. As a result of this, people have lost unity with God, with each other and with the rest of the world. Our planet Earth is compared by authors of the project with that marvelous garden that maybe one day we will have to abandon because of our thirst for knowledge. The constant technological progress of mankind systematically influences our planet and its ecosystems, which may further lead to the fact that we will be exiled from Earth due to destruction and unsuitability for life. In E.D.E.N. project both the meaning of the abbreviation and the meaning of the word itself are important. E - emulated D - digital E-experience of N-nature. The abbreviation denotes the name of a fictitious reality simulator created in some future to imitate wildlife that has already ceased to exist. The images are generated by a neural network trained on a dataset with images of real trees and forests. Trees grow from the sprouts reaching their shapes, and wilt, passing a full cycle. The nature lives a life circle in an accelerated rhythm in rewind.

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